
Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Year in Review

The Oscars are two weeks away, and it is pretty clear that I'm not going to watch all the films by then.  But I have to say I loved this past year.  My life has changed so much since I first started this blog.  And yet being able to stick with something that I love for this long has meant so much to me.  It has been the constant in a year filled with change.  I've learned so much, and each movie has been to me a window into the past.  Each film has brought great food, discussion and connection with friends and family.  Movies mean so much to people, and it is interesting how many people a film can touch.  Thanks to all my readers so far, and keep reading as I continue to plow through!  I'm going to stick with it, and see how much I can finish for next year...

However, with the Awards coming up so soon, I have decided that I should, at least, finish a few tasks.  I'm going to finish the 1940s, which is just two more films (I'm in the process of reviewing The Best Years of Our Lives).  I would also like to be able to go into the Awards having watched every movie nominated for best picture.  See below for what is up for an award this year:

  • “The Fighter” David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman and Mark Wahlberg, Producers
  • “Inception” Emma Thomas and Christopher Nolan, Producers
  • “The Kids Are All Right” Gary Gilbert, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte and Celine Rattray, Producers
  • “The King's Speech” Iain Canning, Emile Sherman and Gareth Unwin, Producers
  • “The Social Network” Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, Michael De Luca and Ceán Chaffin, Producers
  • “Toy Story 3” Darla K. Anderson, Producer
  • “Black Swan” Mike Medavoy, Brian Oliver and Scott Franklin, Producers
  • “127 Hours” Christian Colson, Danny Boyle and John Smithson, Producers
  • “True Grit” Scott Rudin, Ethan Coen and Joel Coen, Producers
  • “Winter's Bone" Anne Rosellini and Alix Madigan-Yorkin, Producers 
So far I have seen the first six, but have yet to view the last four.  Here's hoping I make it through before February 27th!  I'm actually terrified to see 127 Hours.  I know it is supposed to be great, and I love James Franco, but I don't want to see anyone sawing his own arm off.

I won't review the rest of the films, like I did for The King's Speech, but I will provide my brief thoughts on each, along with my very own Oscar pool.  And probably a great Oscar party.  We'll see, it's all still in the works.  But thanks everyone for sticking around for so long and please, continue to comment and read!

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