
My Ranking

The following is a list of the movies I've watched in this project so far, ranked in order of my favorites.  This doesn't necessarily mean that I think one movie is better than another, rather, if I had to watch them all again, this would be the order I would watch them in.  (I may switch them around as time goes by...)

  1. Casablanca, 8/5/10
  2. It Happened One Night, 4/17/10
  3. The Best Years of Our Lives, 2/3/11
  4. An American in Paris, 4/29/12
  5. Mrs. Miniver,  8/3/10
  6. From Here to Eternity, 7/18/12
  7. All About Eve, 4/15/12
  8. The Lost Weekend1/01/11 
  9. Mutiny on the Bounty4/28/10 
  10. Gone with the Wind, 6/24/10
  11. Going My Way, 12/11/10 
  12. You Can't Take It With You, 6/06/10
  13. Gentleman's Agreement, 5/30/11 
  14. Grand Hotel, 4/7/10
  15. All Quiet on the Western Front, 3/21/10
  16. Sunrise, 3/6/10 
  17. Rebecca7/1/10 
  18. All The King's Men, 7/31/11
  19. How Green Was My Valley, 7/24/10
  20. The Greatest Show on Earth, 7/15/12
  21. Hamlet, 6/21/11 
  22. Cavalcade,  4/11/10
  23. The Great Ziegfeld, 5/10/10 
  24. The Life of Emile Zola, 5/27/10
  25. The Broadway Melody, 3/14/10
  26. Cimarron, 4/2/10
  27. Wings, 3/8/10